Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How often is the data updated?

The frequency with which new data is published and the time at which this happens varies for many indicators. As soon as new data is available for an indicator or previously published data is corrected, this data is also published on this online platform. The platform is usually updated once a month. You can see when the last update took place on the start page next to the button for downloading the data.

2. How are data gaps closed?

If no data is available for an indicator, possible data sources are sought and checked for quality. If the quality meets our requirements, the data is included in the SDG online platform.

3. How can I suggest new or different data sources?

For feedback on the data sources we use or for suggestions for new data sources, please contact us here:

4. What does the report status mean?

e have used four different types of reporting status for an indicator, which are also colour coded:

* Green: Reported – The most important national data for this indicator or further information is available on this website. The data may not yet be available for all desired disaggregations.
* Orange: In progress - One or more possible data source(s) has/have already been identified. The corresponding data series are currently being prepared for provision on this platform.
* Red: Not available - No data is available for this indicator.
* Grey: Not applicable - This internationally relevant indicator cannot be meaningfully calculated for Germany or can only be answered in a global context.

5. Why is there not a weather symbol for every indicator?

Some indicators cannot be meaningfully populated with data at national level, e.g. indicator 5.c.1 "Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment". Instead of only showing the value 1 or 0 in such cases, further information on the context of the indicator is presented.

6. Why does some of the data presented on the online platform not correspond to the SDG indicators?

For some of the SDG indicators, it is not possible to find data that corresponds exactly to the requirements of the indicator. In these cases, where possible, data is presented that reflects the subject area of the indicator and thus still provides relevant information, even if it differs in wording from the actual SDG indicator.

7. What is disaggregation?

Disaggregation is used to divide an existing indicator into further subcategories for more detailed analysis. The best known are age or gender. For many indicators, however, separate disaggregations apply, which are defined in the indicator name or by the international organisation responsible for the indicator.

8. Why can there be differences between the data for Germany on this platform and in the UN database?

National official statistics are the data source for most of the indicators in the global UN database. For some indicators, however, the respective international organisations also compile estimated data or recalculate the data provided by the individual countries in order to ensure international comparability. They use their own methodology for this purpose. If the global database contains recalculated data from the international organisations, there may be differences between this data and the data on this platform.

9. Can other countries copy this website?

The website can be used freely to create your own online platform. The terms and conditions for the use of GitHub apply. Further information can be found at Technical guidance.