Guide NRP

Open source project on GitHub

The online platforms are publicly accessible tools for the dissemination and presentation of data on national and global sustainability indicators. The online platforms were developed in accordance with recognised and international guidelines, in particular with regard to freely accessible data and software.


The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) actively supports the development of national online platforms, in particular as open source solutions for the presentation of sustainability indicators. Pioneers in this area are the USA and Great Britain. The project code for the national and for the global online platform is publicly available in the following GitHub repositories:
- National indicators
- Global indicators

A universal version of the code for an online platform developed by the United States, Great Britain and the Center for Open Data Enterprise is available. The german online platforms are based on this code. If you are interested, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the SDG online platforms of the United States and Great Britain and the relevant Open SDG project documentation. This contains technical instructions on how to make a copy of the Open SDG online platform.

- SDG online platform of the USA
- SDG online platform of Great Britain

If you have comments or feedback on the Open SDG project or would like to participate in the Open SDG community, please contact Open SDG GitHub.

Applied technology

Back-end IT requirements:

- GitHub: hosting website designed for programming projects using the Git version control system
- Jekyll: generator of static pages written in Ruby

Front-end IT requirements:

- XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Chartist: JavaScript library that offers customizable and responsive charts
- Bootstrap: framework CSS